The road to hell

There is an old saying that says ” The road to hell is paved with good intentions” I tried to see where this saying originated, and there is a debate between  Saint Bernard of Clairvaux who wrote (c. 1150), “L’enfer est plein de bonnes volontés et désirs” (hell is full of good wishes and desires); Virgil’s Aeneid: “facilis descensus Averno (It is easy to go to hell) or was it Samuel Johnson as so many believe?

No matter who said it, the meaning is what is important, at least in my case.  I have the intention to undertake good actions but nevertheless fail to follow though, something always seems to hold me back. Of course some say that this inaction is simply procrastination, laziness or some other subversive vice. But I call bullshit, I think it is much deeper than that.

I use to think it was because I would get bored easily. I would have a fire in my belly, be all gung-ho and ready to embark on the new adventure, be it a craft, something new to learn or a career, I become so absorbed it the beginning, but somewhere along the way I become frustrated and angry and just throw up my hands in defeat. My home is littered with half done projects; I tell myself I am going to finish it, that I am going to cross that fucking finish line and stick it out. But I don’t.

I will learn all there is to learn, I will give it my all-but after a few months in, I am ready to move on to something else. The fire dies, I am not motivated, it’s not working out the way I planned, the way it should.

Laziness? I don’t think so, I truly try, believe I am going to finish, my intent is always to do so. That this time; this time I will do it. I will be happy and satisfied, I will NOT sabotage myself, I will finish.

The problem is in my head the result is different, in my heart and head I see the end result, I see the skirt I want to sew, or the garden I want to make, I thought I made a good choice this time with where I am working, that this JOB, will be different.

But reality is very different from my vsion. I soon realize I am back in the same dysfunctional environment career wise,  I see that once again that hobby isn’t holding my attention or it doesn’t feel right. Once again I scrap it, or don’t finish it, or move on to the next thing.

I am embarrassed because I failed, I failed myself again and the feelings of uselessness, the feeling of  ‘Why the fuck can’t you ever do anything right!’ hit me and I can’t deal with it, so I can push it aside.

Why do I let that negative self talk sabotage me?  Why don’t I pay attention to the red flags before I take that job? Why? Because in my messed up head I hear the words of my X ; who was abusive, mentally, emotionally and physically. He would always say “Who do you think you are? You’re white trash and you think you can out do me? You think you can…”

I know it is bullshit, I know he was a whack job that was insecure because I was smarter, and one day would figure out that he was an abusive asshole, I know it  and I try to fight it, sometimes I don’t even realize it is happening, or why it’s happening. Than I just get pissed off, pissed off that I have failed myself on so many levels. I tell myself I am not the victim, I tell myself to FIGHT, I tell myself NOT to let him win, or have any control over me. I believe in my heart and soul that I have won, that I know longer believe that bullshit but I guess I do, I guess deep down it is still there and I don’t know how to get rid of it, I let myself down again and I slip deeper into the cold dark cave.

So why do I give up? Because when it doesn’t go right, I think- he was right, and in my spirit, I can’t allow him to be right. I know that is messed up, I know if I just pay attention to the signs or finish that I WIN, but I can’t. I don’t know how.

“My project”- this journey is my final attempt to move forward and finally kill that darkness inside me.

Happiness is not always a “choice”! What a lie that is!!  I choose to be happy, I deserve to be happy, I WANT to be happy. I’ve taken the steps towards happiness, yet here I am, all over again…





The Project

ImageThis is my first posting. I’ve decided to write this blog as: anonymous. I can tell myself it is protect the innocent, or the guilty for that matter, but the truth is I am protecting me. I am embarrased. You see I am a MESS, a total wreck, emotionally, mentally and physically. Too embarrassed to write the truth under my real name because to do so would expose me as the fraud I am.

You see, out there in the REAL world, I wear many masks, I come across as being strong, of having it together, but that is far from the truth.

What is the truth? That is what I am hoping to discover. Who the fuck am I anyway? The cliche of “finding yourself”….am I? Finding myself I mean? Which self? The old me, the new me, the pretend me? Me version 3.0?

So, I am calling this “The Project” and the truth. The truth is Life Isn’t Fair. Here I am in my forties and I am finally coming to realize that life really isn’t fair.

Where did it begin? That ultimate excuse, that amazing scapegoat of “That’s Not fair!” We as a society cling to it at an early age, yet all the signs point in the complete opposite direction.

That one is prettier, that one is smarter, that one is richer, that one….and I whine, I whine “that’s not fair!”

I didn’t even realize I was doing it. Not so much out-loud; but certainly in my behaviour. Every single time I consciously or subconsciously sabotage myself.

Hard pill to swallow, that life isn’t fair, and that maybe you will never be beautiful no matter how hard we try, never to be petite, never be young again….and god help me even as I write this it hurts, maybe I will never be ‘sexy’ again, or worse, maybe I was never sexy.

I want to scream and yell and blame society, after all you told me if I try I can be anything. You told me if I don’t give up my dreams will come true. You LIED. You are a fucking liar.

Because I HAVE been trying. I’ve tried and tried. That is the worst part, if I haven’t tried than I get it, after all you reap what you sow right?

Oh there have been moments, moments where I appear to be successful, to have it together, to be skinny, to be confident and think YES- yes I did it. Sometimes those moments are for a year, for a week, for a day….but then it happens, it always seems to happen.

Just when I think I have defeated that little fucker, that dark spot in the pit of my stomach it comes back. Sneaky like that, little cunt!

Yes, I used the “c” word. And yes I am angry as hell and this blog will bare witness to all my emotions.

I wear the masks very well, or at least I think I do. But maybe like the picture above, I am a fish in a bowl. Not really tricking anyone at all. Only myself.

I may post 10 times a day, I may post once a month- I have no idea, I only know I need to get it out, all this ‘stuff’ inside me.

You will want to judge me as you read this, I get that, after all don’t we all Judge, even if we trick ourselves into believing we are better than that? Some of you won’t believe that I am writing this for me, after all i MUST want the attention that is why I am doing it in a public forum such as a blog. Some of you will want to “fix” me- you will think you have the answer, drugs, God, if only I did this, or that. Fixing is what we try to do to make ourselves needed.

But here is the truth- don’t try and fix me, I need to FIX myself. I need to discover the truth, I need to stop using the excuse of “that’s not fair”

Judge me as you will, but you don’t know me, and I decide to do this project in a public forum because as alone as I feel, maybe, just maybe there is someone out there that is as fucked up as I am, and by reading this and seeing the struggles, and hopefully the accomplishments that they realize that they aren’t alone.

And see that…life isn’t fair, and I need to get use it, but more importantly I need to come to terms with how to deal with it, and deal with that dark spot in the pit of my stomach…once and for all.

PS- Yes, I am sure there will be spelling mistakes, grammar issues..etc. etc…. deal with it.